Marcel, Picard mâle (castré) âgé de 2 ans, est un gentil chien affectueux et patient mais qui a malheureusement été diagnostiqué atteint d’APR en juin 2017. Il a besoin d’un environnement stable, sans chats, enfants, ni chien mâle, qui lui permettra de s’adapter à sa perte progressive de vision, ce que sa famille actuelle, à sa grande tristesse, ne peut lui assurer. La compagnie d’une femelle qui pourrait l’aider à surmonter son anxiété serait un plus.

Marcel, a male 2 years old Picard, castrated, is a kind, loving and patient dog but unfortunately was diagnosed with PRA in June 2017. He needs a stable environment, without cats, children or male dogs, which will enable him to adapt to his progressive loss of vision. His current family, to her great sadness, can not provide him with it at the moment. The company of a female who could help him overcome his anxiety would be a plus.

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